1. Introduction

InnCrea methodology is designed for academic staff who would like to boost their students’ creativity but do not know where to start. The InnCrea – Discovering and Developing Creativity Course was designed by a consortium of six academic institutions and companies from Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, and Poland.

The methodology is a guide that will lead a lecturer through the different aspects of creativity, explain how the audit tool works, and give simple recommendations and tools for running a creativity course…

2. Creativity Audit Tool

The innCREA Creativity and Pioneering Audit Tool is an interactive resource, available online on the project website, which should be followed to better conduct a creativity audit.

The creativity audit has an analytic role and it constitutes one of the first steps an organisation has to follow before launching a policy supporting creativity…

3. InnCREA Experience

Contemporary society is characterised by rapid and complex change processes that encompass all spheres of life. Creativity has been identified both as a key factor for adequately addressing the challenges caused by these changes as well as a major driving force towards knowledge creation and social and economic advancement through the development of a knowledge society…

4. Practical Tips

Creativity – the ability to ask how something can be done differently, better, combined with the ability to design widely understood changes. It is the ability of creative thinking, adaptive flexibility resulting in finding creative, original solutions that go beyond the accepted patterns…

5. Summary and Conclusions

Creativity and pioneering, as a part of innovation management is critical for all organisations and companies where knowledge creation and use is part of their everyday activities. Creativity constitutes the ability to come up with ideas on how something can be done differently, in combination with…